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How To Start A Facebook Group ~ ❤️Grow IT in Easy 3 Steps❤️

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How To Start A Facebook Group

Welcome to my How To Start A Facebook Group blog post. In today’s blog post, I’m going to be going over how to start and grow a Facebook group. Now, you may have seen in the news or in ads or any… You know, if you’re anywhere in the world using Facebook. You see that Facebook is really pushing groups out to it’s like, 2.5 billion users.

So, groups are becoming a much bigger thing. And starting a group right now is the best time to start it because there are so many press round groups. Facebook is really pushing groups up in the algorithm. And I am going to be showing you in this video how you can grow a Facebook group. How you can engage with your audience better to really make your Facebook group kind of a central location and turn it in a community. And lastly how to monetize. Facebook groups are incredibly easy to monetize if you just know-how. And I’ll be showing you each of these 3 steps with some examples on my blog post.

Introducing Myself:

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products, and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER & ENTRE INSTITUTE because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.

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Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog:

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question. Join My Facebook Page Here & Look My YouTube Channel Here.


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How To Start A Facebook Group ~ ❤️Grow IT in Easy 3 Steps❤️

How To Start A Facebook Group
How To Start A Facebook Group

I’ll show some guy, who has a multi-million business who’s actually based on their Facebook group. And in fact, I’m going to show you one of guy right here who has a very large Facebook group around Facebook ads. We’re all marketers. So, check this out. I’m going to go to Facebook here. This group is called the Facebook ad buyers. That’s run by Tim Burg. He has almost 100,000 members right here. Really cool. But their groups are for everything, people. I mean, folks, look at this. You see, Local Business Facebook Ad Buyers. You see, that’s 14,000 members.

How To Start A Facebook Group

This is just for people buying ads on Facebook and agency owners. Now, the average person doing Facebook ads makes over 6 figures a year. How valuable would it be to have an audience of 100,000 people? Or 127,000 people that all earn over 6 figures a year on average? Let’s just do the math here. You have $100,000 per year times, 100,000 people. That is the equivalent buying power of 10 billion dollars, okay? So, that’s a lot of buying power right there. 10 billion dollars are concentrated in this group. You have very easy ways to monetize it because you can go after such a niche audience. Now, here on Facebook ad buyers, you’ll see the group his group and he keeps it very engaged. Now, we’ll be going all over all of the 3 steps grow, engage, monetize in just a second here.

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How To Start A Facebook Group

So, this guy Tim Bird, he throws mastermind event teaching people advanced tactics for Facebook ad buying. And as you see, this is his London Mastermind. He’s saying, let me double your profit in just a few days. Yes for real. Keep in mind, these are all people that make on average somewhere in the range of 6 figures per year. And he is charging $6,000 for a mastermind. So, I’ve been to some of his masterminds before. They’re attended by anywhere from 50 to 100 people. So, if you do the math, each event, he’s making maybe $300,000 teaching people advance Facebook ad tactics.

You can grow very big business. You can find a lot of targeting golden niches all over the place. There’s so many opportunities. And I’m going to be showing you those opportunities on the whiteboard how to do that. Let’s get into it.

Start & Grow Facebook Group in Easy 3 Steps:

1 – Grow: 

Make Joining A Part of A Step-by-Step Process: 

So, one of the first ways to grow your Facebook group is making joining a step-by-step process. An A-to-B-to-C-to-D process. Now, for instance, if you’re having a sign up for email list or you’re having people register for a webpage or click on a link, you can ask them to do things in sequential order or you can say, “Click on this link to watch the free training webinar.” You know, to get access to the free training webinar, click this link.” And then you re-direct them. Or you could tell them to join my Facebook group to get the link to access the webinar.

So you take them from your webpage and you have them go to the next page where they join your Facebook group. And once they join your Facebook group, you could have the top post of your Facebook group. Say, here is the link to your free training. Okay? There are a million things you could do. Or you could say, “Hey, go to my free training.” After you register for this training, you could send them an email. And you could say “Join my Facebook group.” Or another way you could do it is you could say, “If you would like a free report or free case study on how to lose more weight, join my Facebook group and I will share in my Facebook group the freebie.”

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You can do a lot of things to incentivize people. But make it as part of the flow, okay? If people sign up for your email list after they sign up for your email list, tell them to join your Facebook group next, okay? After they join your Facebook group, tell them to join your YouTube channel. After they join your YouTube channel, the first video on your YouTube channel could tell them to join your Instagram. So, you can ferry people around. And in on E channel marketing approach is what’s working in 2020. It is where marketing is going. So, moving people through a step-by-step process to get on your social media mediums is a great way to do this. Don’t let your sign up flow go to waste.

Put A Call-to-Action to Join in Your Email Signature:

Another way you could get people to join your Facebook group or to grow it is to just put up a link in your signature, okay? Everybody here is probably spending out emails. If anybody does not send out emails, please let me know. You’re a freak of nature. I would like to meet you. You are weird. Put links in your signature so that people could join your Facebook Group, okay? Very easy.

Create A Handy Short Link for your Group: 

Another way you could help grow your Facebook group is to use short links, okay? So, shorten the link to join your Facebook group because generally speaking, the links are long. Make a short link so that it’s convenient for people to click on and view. And for you to post everywhere. If you have an Instagram profile if you have a twitter profile. If you have a YouTube channel, make sure all of your social mediums are using your links and linking back to your Facebook group so that you can actually get people from all of your social mediums back into your Facebook group.

Features Community Members Outside of The Group: 

And the last method to grow is feature members from your Facebook group. Feature them in another medium. So, if you have any email newsletter, feature them in your newsletter. Say, “Hey, shout out to…” Whatever member. And link back to your group. On your Instagram profile or your Twitter or your YouTube channel. Or your Snapchat or your Pinterest or your blog, etc. You can feature members from your Facebook group all over the place and that is ads in another way to get people to go back to your group and engage there.

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2 – Engage:

Promote People to Admin or Moderator:

So, one way to get people to engage in your group is to promote people to moderators or admins. or administrators of your group. The people who are most active, really highlight them. Give them more power and takes less to work off of your plate and make somebody in a more important role. You created a group, let other people run it. So, that’s really great way. And your admin or your moderator or whoever your most engaged people are, they will help grow the group as well.

Run A Poll: 

Other methods you can create engagement in the group is you could do a poll. And this could be great market research for you.

Strat A Debate: 

You could start a debate between members. Or about a specific topic.

Publish Behind-The-Scenes Content: 

Other things you can do is you could actually post up special behind-the-scenes content for members. People who are in your group get to see special previews of content that maybe you come out with your business.

Go Live On Video: 

And last but not least if you could do live streams. And live streams are a highly effective way of getting people really engaged and excited about what you’re doing.

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3 – Monetize:

Create Events For Upcoming Launches:

Now, ways you can monetize it you could use it to launch. You know, build up hype to launch products. Okay? Or launch new offerings of whatever your company does. Or launch new affiliate products.

Create Resource Guides:

You could create resource guides with bunches of affiliate links. Let’s say you are running a weight loss group. Or in your pinned post, you could actually feature 27 products to help you lose weight. And you could list out a bunch of products or exercise equipment or whatnot. And you could use affiliate links in there. So, resource guide. I’m a big fan of resource guides because you can get people buying many products. Instead of just one product. The more products you can get people to buy, the more money you make. That’s what we’re trying to do here.

Ask for Volunteers:

Now, another way you could do it is you could get volunteers. Okay? So, this doesn’t really make you any money but it saves you money. So, you could get volunteers from your groups of your engaged people. What have you.

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Validate Upcoming Business Ideas:

You could validate the different ideas you have for the business. Test the market. See if they’re interested in getting what you want. Having a group and having a social audience for me has been really useful because I’m so… I’m constantly able to figure out if my new marketing is going to work or not. And I just ask people. I say, “Hey, what is your interest in this? Or what are you looking for?” I pull people. I ask people questions all the time. And having such a big audience now, it makes it really easy. I don’t have to guess anymore.

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Build Your Email List From Your Group:

And last but not the least is you can build an email list from your Facebook group and send them emails on a daily basis to get them to just have another point of communication with them to get them to buy more products.

So, there’s a lot of ways you can monetize your audience on Facebook. And growing a group is one of the best ways to do that.

Final Opinion: How To Start A Facebook Group

So I hope this blog post was helpful and kind of explanation Should I Do Affiliate Marketing And Blogging. I’m an internet marketer. I’ve been running an internet business since 2012. I’ve been making thousands of dollars. And I’ve worked in a number of different fields but place, where I’ve made most of my money, is affiliate marketing. If you do want to learn more about making money online and even starting an affiliate marketing-based business, which any products it doesn’t require any customer support or fulfillment or any of that jazz. Then check my No #1 Recommendation.

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