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How to Make 1st CPA Money in 15 Days | Secret 2 Traffic Sources

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How to Make 1st CPA Money in 15 Days

Introduction: How to Make 1st CPA Money in 15 Days

Welcome to my other article How to Make 1st CPA Money in 15 Days.

Are you struggling to get free CPA traffic? Do you want to make money with CPA marketing? If Yes then complete this tutorial ‘How to Make 1st CPA Money in 15 Days. This tutorial is a fully brand-new and different type.

In this tutorial, I’ll share a secret way and 2 secret traffic sources to make CPA money. It’s one of the best CPA marketing tutorials for beginners.

After that, it is a completely free and easiest method. Subsequently, you don’t need any previous working skills to get free CPA traffic.

I’ll share with you step-by-step everything. As a result, you can make money on CPAgrip easily. Therefore, don’t miss any part of this tutorial if you really want to make money on CPAGrip.

Table of Content – How to Make 1st CPA Money in 15 Days


Author of This Method

Why I Love This Method?

Let’s Complete This Method Step-by-Step

Final Opinion

Author of This Method:

I’m Raju Bhadra a Full-Time Digital Marketer & YouTube Influencer.

I have earned OVER $60K from online marketing in the 2021-22 calendar year. I have earned this money in various ways. Approximately, 70% from Affiliate Marketing, 20% from AdSense, & 10% from CPA Marketing.

Recently, I published a step-by-step video tutorial on Udemy based on my Real-Life case study.

Raju Bhadra – “Learn First Then Earn”

Why I Love This Method?

Let’s Complete This Method Step-by-Step:

This is one of the easiest CPA tricks for anyone. It’s 100% new and beginner-friendly. If you want to apply this easy trick then you have to follow the major 7 steps. Check all these 7 steps now.

⇒1 – Step

Visit the site Here, you’ll get a lot of pdf guides here. Now, search here for Dog. You’ll get a lot of dogs -related pdf guides here.

Now, choose any of the pdf and then open it. Most importantly, it’s 100% free to download. But you have to lock this pdf URL. So, copy the URL.

⇒2 – Step

In this step, you have to create an account on CPAGrip. If you already have an account CPAGrip then very Good. On the other hand, you have to create an account. So, go to

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After that, click on the register section. Subsequently, fill up all their demands. And finally, click the register now and your CPAGrip account is done. But remember that it takes some time to get approval.

⇒3 – Step

In this step, you have to lock the chosen pdf URL. So, go to the monetization tools section. Subsequently, go to the URL/file locker. Now, click the create new URL locker section to lock the URL.

After that, you can create a File/URL locker. And then lock your pdf’s copied URL here for a lifetime. After locking the URL, you’ll click the get links section and get your CPAGrip affiliate link.

When someone wants to read or download this pdf they have to fill up a survey. And then they will get the access link to read or download this pdf. As a result, you will earn CPAGrip commissions.

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⇒4 – Step

I always prefer to use a landing page rather than using a direct affiliate link. If you use a direct affiliate link then your post, message, or comment can be removed, flagged, and deleted.

For this reason, I want to use a landing page. So, I suggest you create a landing page. Now, learn how to create an attention-grabbing landing page. It’s for your life skill. A landing page is a mandatory element for online marketing.

To create a landing page visit It is 100% free. So, create a free account here. After that, go to the funnel section and create your attention-grabbing landing page here. So, first of all, click the create button and put your landing page name.

Then hit build an audience and create it. After that, you’ll see here a lot of templates. Now, you can choose any of the templates here as you wish. Subsequently, remove all their materials and add your materials.

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Then click the save funnels. After that, you can edit the landing page as your own choice. Most importantly, you can add headings, text lists, content-box, images, videos, audio, columns, etc as your need.

Above all, you don’t need to pay any monthly payments or recurring payments here. It’s 100% free. If you want to learn how to build an attention-grabbing landing page in just 15 minutes then watch the tutorial below.

Watch 15 Minutes Build Attractive Landing Page Here

⇒5 – Step

Now, you have to go to You’ll get a lot of copyright-free images and videos here. Most importantly, you can download these videos for free. After that, search here for Dog Training.

You’ll get a lot of videos here. All these videos are 100% copy-right and royalty-free. So, you can download these videos and use them as your own. Now, choose videos and download them.

⇒6 – Step

In this step, you’ll go to Canva to edit your videos. So, visit the site It is a free site. Most importantly, it’s open worldwide. However, upload your downloaded video here.

Now, you’ll add text to the video. If you want you can bolt the text, change the color, etc. After that, you’ll download the edited video.

⇒7 – Step

Now, come to the final step. In this step, I’ll talk about traffic. If you want to start CPA marketing or affiliate marketing then focus on traffic. To clarify, if you can generate traffic then you can promote or sells any offers or products.

↠1 Traffic – Now, visit the site You have to create a business account here. After that, create a board. Now, you’ll create a pin here. After that, you’ll upload the edited video here.

Subsequently, you’ll put a title and tell something about your pin. Now, you’ll add hashtags here. In the case of Pinterest marketing, hashtags are very important. After that, you’ll add the landing page link in the ‘Destination Link’ section.

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Finally, publish your pin. In this way, you’ll publish 4/5 pins every day and promote your CPA offers. But you must continue this task to get the best result.


↠2 Traffic – Now, go to Instagram. It is the 2nd traffic site for this method. Subsequently, create an account on Instagram. If you already have an account on Instagram then good.

After creating the account, you have to focus on some main things. Firstly, you have to set up a bio that will be more attractive. Secondly, go to the Edit Profile option. Here, you’ll get the website section.

In the website section, you’ll put the landing page link. Thirdly, you have to make 3/4 posts regularly. It can be both images or videos. Fourthly, you have to use the right hashtags.

Fifthly, you have to follow other people per day 20-25. As a result, your Instagram account will grow rapidly. Above all, applying this way, you’ll CPA traffic from Instagram.

Final Opinion: How to Make 1st CPA Money in 15 Days

In conclusion, I want to say this simple traffic site helps you to get CPA traffic for any country. After that, you don’t need to make any videos or blog posts to apply this method. Therefore, this is one of the best CPA methods for beginners.

So, readers start your CPA affiliate marketing journey from today and continue it for a lifetime. Above all, thanks a lot for reading this “How to Make 1st CPA Money in 15 Days” blog post. And best wishes for you and your CPA marketing journey.

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Watch This Tutorial on YouTube