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Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging – Perfect for Beginners!

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Welcome to my ‘Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging‘ blog post. Everybody talks about how you should start a blog. Screw that. In this blog post, I’m going to show you how to make money from the largest blogging platform in the world without actually blogging. I’m going to show you how you can get in front of 371 million people that use this platform without ever doing a blog post. Sounds miraculous, sounds crazy. But stay tuned.

Introducing Myself :

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.

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Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog :

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question.

Make Money From Tumblr:

Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging

I’m going to show you on my blog post how you can get that nice sweet affiliate commission sent straight to your bank account. Let’s get it. So Tumblr is the biggest blog platform in the world. 371 million people use Tumblr and I’m going to show you how to make money from it. Anywhere from $100 to $500 per day without ever putting up a blog post. Now if you’re wondering, this the methods that I’m going over, they work anywhere in the world. You can make this money anywhere in the world no matter what country you’re from and can also get it no matter what age you are. You may be 14 years old and make money doing this.

The way the money will get sent to you is either by a check so you need an address for like the check to get sent to. Sorry if you live in some like a weird village and like Cameroon or whatever. They don’t have addresses. You won’t get money or you need a bank account it’ll be sent via a wire. So once again, I’m going to be showing you how to get in front of 371 million people right here.

How This Method Works:

This method is pretty simple. Now the first thing you need to understand about getting this money. You need to sell products. And what we’re going to be doing, we’re not I’m not going to be talking about dropshipping or e-commerce. I’m not going to be talking about you know consulting or starting an own social media agency because all of those methods require you to do work or require you to buy products. What I’m going to be going over here is completely free. You don’t have to buy any products, you don’t have to buy any ads, you don’t have to buy any software. You don’t have to do any of that, okay?

None of that and it doesn’t require you to have to do like you know to do the support work yourself right. If you’re selling on eBay or if you’re selling consulting or if you’re selling you know your agency services. You’re going to actually have to do work for people. You’re going to actually have to ship somebody something or have an address for people to return it for you or contact you for customer service. So none of that stuff is going to be involved in what I’m going to be teaching you about today. We’re going over affiliate marketing.

Affiliate Network: -Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging

Now, there are a few affiliate programs I suggest you work with.

The Super Affiliate Network:

The Super Affiliate Network is the program where you can earn up to $5,400 per sale. You can make a lot of money with this program. So, I really highly suggest you join that. This is high ticket commissions. Sign up with this program.

Legendary Marketer:

Legendary Marketer is the best High Ticket Training Program at the present time. Here your commission start with $2.80 then $18, $89, $1,000 and many more. So, there’s some big-ticket Commission’s here. And they manage the whole funnel for you. All you are responsible for is getting people to their websites, okay? You don’t have to do any of the selling. Any of that stuff. You just have to get people to their websites.


ClickFunnel is the trending funnel for any kind of marketer. They’ll give you up about $40 a month per customer. And they’ll buy you a car. If you can reach 100 members then they’ll provide you a prize for buying a car.


Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging

Clickbank is the largest affiliate network on the Internet. You can varieties of a product here. You can sign up here. Create an account and go to the affiliate market place. To get your link, you’d go down to e-business and e-marketing right there.

I personally recommended you to join Legendary marketer. It’s The best no #1 business model at the present time. Not only you make money but also you’ll get a lot of training on how to increase your sales and conversion and how to run your business for a lifetime. I also promote Legendary Marketer and if you need any help I am always with you.

All those affiliate networks are good you may choose any of them as you wish.

My No, #1 Recommendation – Watch This Video:

Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging:

Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging

So what I’ll do is I’ll click on Tumblr right here to go down to the Tumblr section and we see an example of a number of Tumblr blogs we might want to follow. So we see this blog which 365 marketing. We have Einstein marketer, we have and I’m just going to open up a lot of these blogs that are on Tumblr. Luxury, Motivation, Marketing, Entrepreneur. Now as you see people have Tumblr blogs with all sorts of images in them. This one about luxury stuff. You know, luxury places. Luxury houses. My theory around this is is that people interested in luxury stuff are going to be interested in making more money because most people who have luxury items are not looking at luxury items, okay?

Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging

It’s just usually it’s people who are wanting okay? People who don’t have but they want it, they look at this stuff. It’s kind of like eye porn and we’re going to reach out to some of these people and we’re going to do is offer for them a good way to make extra money. And this is how you will make $500. So we’re going to go in here and we’re going to find people who are actually engaging with these or other followers of these blogs.

Read More…

Now, I’m promoting my own product in this example and if you want to promote other products, you saw there are thousands and thousands of thousands and hundreds of thousands of other products you can promote with those other affiliate networks that I joined. Now you’ll have to kind of dive into the psychology of the people you want to sell to. Let’s say you want to sell a weight-loss product, you have to dive into the psychology of what are people that are trying to lose weight. What are they interested in?

For instance, with weight loss, they might be interested in fitness, they might be interested in recipes or eating healthy. So you have to start to get to know your market and that this is another reason it’s good to talk to people.

Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging:

Now to find the people that are interested in these luxury items, what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to mouse over this heart icon right here, okay? So that’s where you get the engaged people and it says show or hides notes, okay? And you see the notes have popped out here. Now you can see all these people who have engaged with this post and click on these and you can go to their actual page, okay? So you see I’m on their page now because everybody, every user on Tumblr has their own blog. So I’m going to reach out to every one of these people, okay?

There are only 51 people who have or 50 people who have actually liked this post. And I’m going to use the ctrl button. You know you can right-click and say open in new tab. But I’m going to use the ctrl button. I’m just going to open up every one of these people.

Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging

Read More…

I’m going to send them a message because they’re interested in luxury items. But maybe they don’t have it, okay? And it’s free to do so and what’s great about this method is also that Tumblr is sending the email for you. So you have assured deliverability. So next when we’re on the person’s blog and you see all of these people. They’re all individual users with their own blogs. We’re going to go up here, this icon right up here and if you see this, it’s way up in the corner. It’s kind of hard to see. But you’re going to click on that little icon. Sorry, so we just clicked send a message and now we can type in a message. So what I’m going to do is I’m going to click over here and I have a message template right here, okay?

Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging

Message template

hey, I see your interested in [INTEREST] I was wondering if you are doing any online work that’s making money for you? I watched this guys training and it seems to work pretty well, [LINK] let me know your thoughts it’s a bit of a long training but the good stuff is about 1hr in

Search terms to find more blogs to follow





This is so fast, this is so easy it’s such a great way to reach people and you can do this over and over again. So look how fast I can do this now. We’ll do this over and over and over again until more people see our links and until we actually start making some sales.

My Final Opinion – Make $100 Per Day on Tumblr Without Blogging

This is 100% possible. You can do this. You just need to put it in action. I know it will work somewhat but you might find something that works even better and even better than that is get into a conversation with people and help them along to make a purchase from your link. Again, you make 500 just from sitting at the computer playing a little video game called affiliate marketing.

My No #1 Recommendation :

For Anyone Who Wants To Start A Profitable Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin…

Start Your Online Business and Get High-Ticket Commissions Using Other People’s Product. Take Action Fast. >> How I Make $10,000 Per Month for FREE Without Any Hard Work >>

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 đź‘‰10 Income Increasing Exclusive Bonuses (Value $1,000) Here >> (Bonus Package Included Affiliate Marketing, CPA Marketing, Clickbank Method, Traffic, Email Marketing, etc)