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How to Grow YouTube Subscriber for Free to Your Channel – Best Tricks!

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Welcome to my Best Tricks How to Grow YouTube Subscriber for Free to Your Channel blog post. You can’t make any money. If you don’t have any subscribers on YouTube. Do you have zero subscribers on your YouTube channel and you’re wondering, “What are some hats that I can grow it?

I’ll be going over a number of different hacks that you can do to help get your videos to have them get more visibility. More YouTubers are coming on to the market every single day. It’s a really popular way to build a business. It’s a great traffic source. A great way to get trust. It’s a great way to sell products. It’s really just a great way to add value to the world as well. But in order to get from zero subscribers up to the point where you actually have an audience is so freaking hard. It is hard and I feel for you.

But I’ll be going over a few ways that you can help. Give yourself a bit of a competitive edge if you are YouTuber to grow your channel, make more money. These are things that I’ve done and they work very well. So, I hope you enjoy them and check it out.

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Introducing Myself :

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.

Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog – How to Grow YouTube Subscriber for Free:

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question.

4 Different Hacks to Make Money on YouTube – How to Grow YouTube Subscriber for Free

How to Grow YouTube Subscriber for Free

1 – Embed:

Now, one of the first hacks that you can do is actually just doing outreach. If you’re providing valuable content is reach out to bloggers or other people that are in your niche. And ask them to embed your video. It’s very… This is a very easy tactic. If you have a video that adds some value to so-and-so’s blog, reach out to them. You know, if you’re showing people how to do animals… You know, wild animal traps, right? That’s one of the channels I like. Sean Woods, I think is his name. Shows like all these wild animal traps. we have to trap some animals wild animals. And I love that. And I’m sure there are a lot of bloggers out there that don’t have any videos to accompany their wild animal trap.

So, reach out to those bloggers and say, “Hey and I think this video would provide value for your audience. And I shot it. If you’d like to embed it, let me know. Here’s the embed link.” That would be a very easy way to reach people and it helps your visibility of YouTube. Because if YouTube sees that you have a lot of embeds, if a lot of people are embedding your video, it’s an indicator to YouTube that you have a valuable video. And not only will you get traffic from that person’s blog, but YouTube will also see that as an indicator that you are a valuable YouTuber. They will give you more traffic. And all it takes is simple.

2 – Subtitle:

it’s another really simple thing. And this is not many people are doing this is to subtitle your videos. So, subtitling your videos to allow people in other languages to read them better. YouTube is a very international platform. People all around the world are using it to learn, to grow, to entertain themselves. And just to laugh. So, using subtitles is very helpful to people who in glitch is not their first language. Helping them you know whether you put your video in German or French or Spanish. Most of the content is being produced in English. And other countries haven’t totally caught on to you know…

That’s so sometimes your videos help other people catch on and also YouTube sees that as well as an indicator that you’re taking time to really populate their platform to add value to people. It helps both your views. It helps you get in that coveted suggested video column on the right side. And it helps people like your videos more because they can understand them better.

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3 – Email:

The third little hack is if you have an email list, make sure you leverage or send people the links. You know, every week send people a recap of what videos you’ve produced on your channel. Or tell people to subscribe to your channel. Give people a reason to watch a particular video. This will help out dramatically especially if you have a large email list it’ll be an easy instant way to grow your subscriber-based and keep people engaged. You can use YouTube and you can talk to people in your in YouTube and tell them to subscribe to your email list. And if you get people subscribing to your email list, keep sending them back to YouTube this actually goes back into one of the biggest factors that YouTube looks at.

YouTube looks into 3 Things – How to Grow YouTube Subscriber for Free


YouTube looks at three big factors. I’m not going to go too deep into them here. But they look into 3 things, okay? They look into watch-time. Obviously, they’re looking at how long people are watching your videos. If people are watching your videos for 30 seconds… And then bouncing out, YouTube’s going to say, “This guy doesn’t offer a lot of value.”


The second factor is the session watch time. So, it’s session watch time means is it means how long are they spending on your channel. And that would be a really good indicator of YouTube. They would say, when people watch this person’s channel, they want to watch more videos on YouTube. And the more videos people want to watch on YouTube, the better. The more YouTube favors you and put you in that subject coveted… Suggested videos column.

Send Back:

Sending them back to your video. Now, this goes into the third big factor or YouTube in giving your videos some love and giving you subscribers and giving you views and putting you in the suggested video column which is the send back rate. Are you sending people? Are people returning back to your channel on their own to watch your videos? If people are coming back to YouTube specifically to watch your videos, it means you’ve built a community, it means you’ve built an audience. And people literally returning to YouTube just to watch your videos.

4 – Leverage:

Now, the last way that you can start growing your YouTube channel is really like leverage. If you have any other social platforms or if you have a blog, make sure you put your links in your blog if you’re sending out emails. Put the link to your YouTube channel in your email signature. Put the link to your YouTube channel on Facebook. Although Facebook hates that. Put it on your other social channels. Put it in your Instagram profile. Whatever you can do so that more people come to your channel. And the more YouTube sees that you are… People are coming to YouTube specifically for you, the more love they give you and the more you will build your entire thing.

My Final Opinion – How to Grow YouTube Subscriber for Free

Now, marketing in 2020 is moving to a more omni-channel approaching. Omni-channel, what does that mean? It means that marketing is no longer just about doing one silo of just blogging or just vlogging or just Instagramming. Or just twittering. It means that using these channels to all help each other. You know, when somebody goes on your blog you add them to an email list. Then you have them join your Facebook group but then you have them subscribe to your YouTube channel. Means combining all of the different marketing elements to create a cohesive whole. I’m a one-person business, right? I don’t have any employees. I’m able to do this and it doesn’t take a lot of time. There’s a lot of automation that can allow you to do this. But building that multi-channel approach into your business will help you in space.

My No #1 Recommendation :

For Anyone Who Wants To Start A Profitable Online Business But Doesn’t Know Where To Begin…

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