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Are Udemy Courses Worth of Learning?

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Welcome to my ‘Are Udemy Courses Worth of Learning’ blog post. I’m a self-improvement junkie. I love taking online courses. I’ve gotten this question a lot, are udemy courses worth it? And so I’m gonna deep dive into if you udemy courses are worth it? And if so, what subjects are worth taking and what criteria you can use to determine if you’ll get your money and your time’s worth out of courses on

Introducing Myself :

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.

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Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog :

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question.

Are Udemy Courses Worth of Learning?

Are Udemy Courses Worth of Learning
Are Udemy Courses Worth of Learning?

I love learning and it’s really the reason why I’ve been able to be able to work for myself and become skilled and what I do which is you know add analysis and you know copywriting and blah blah blah. But the point being udemy’s come on my radar because they have such a plethora of courses they’ve I believe thousands of online courses on there. And I’ve gotten questions from people to ask me you know “are udemy courses worth it?” 

I’ve wondered that same thing. It’s hard to pass judgments on so many courses because udemy has thousands of courses. And I’ve been through very very very few courses on udemy just a couple. So keep in mind that my judgments and my opinions on udemy are limited to a few courses. But what I can also give you is from my research. Okay? How to pick the best courses to take online. And that’ll kind of explain my reasoning about why my thoughts on udemy are as such.

Separation Of Udemy Courses: – Are Udemy Courses Worth of Learning?

So first off I want to separate kind of I want to make a really clear distinction between two major subjects. Here there’s kind of what I call like life subjects and then there’s a business subject.

Life subjects are things such as cooking or you know how to cook a good hamburger or how to repair your house or how to edit photos etc. A lot of these courses don’t necessarily pertain to hard results and then there’s a business that pertains to learning how to make money. And there are a lot of courses on udemy that are focused on business and specifically sales and marketing courses on udemy they’re there quite a bit of so that’s kind of one of the reasons why I separated these two subjects because they’re very different in what their outcomes are.

Life Subject:

So first let me address life subjects. I don’t take any courses on dancing or you know cooking or any of these life subjects. So I don’t have much to rate them on but what I can tell you is udemy has a great so many courses it’s it seems to be really good for a lot of subjects that are just kind of life subjects. I know they show you how to do pet care, how to do health, how to do Fitness, how to edit photos and a lot of these specific subjects around life or different like kind of soft skills, I think are very helpful.

I haven’t personally been through the courses, but from what I’ve seen no other places offer courses or do they offer courses as cheap as udemy does. Udemy essentially discounts all of their courses and offers all of their courses for something around ten dollars okay? So if you are not buying a udemy course for ten dollars, just wait a day and they will discount the course to ten or eleven or twelve dollars it’s really that easy. I see like courses that are like two hundred dollars and they’ll be going for ten dollars. So it’s kind of crazy.

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Business Subject:

The next subject is business subjects. so understanding if your goal is to make money and work from home, that’s the results you want from a course as you want to learn how to make more money. Now unfortunately from what I’ve seen on udemy it really doesn’t do very well in these subjects such as making money and working for yourself okay. 

The reason is I look at a few different criteria. The first thing I look at is does this teacher that I’m learning from having what I want to have? Am I learning from somebody that is you know in the case I wanted to learn from people who were multi-millionaires? Am I learning from somebody who is a multi-millionaire? or are they an employee for a company?

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You know just trying to show up on search results for something. More often than not I found that the business instructors are not particularly successful. They’re usually employees for some sort of corporation or they are udemy instructor you know they’re paid to put up courses on udemy and they don’t actually have success making money doing that.

If I wanted to learn how to be successful on Amazon, I want to learn from somebody who made their first million doing Amazon not teaching Amazon. Not somebody who worked for Amazon. I want to learn from somebody who actually made money by running an Amazon business themselves. And unfortunately I don’t see a lot of those people on udemy. I think udemy courses are worth it if you are taking a life kind of subject or if you’re learning photography or video editing or some of these other skills. But if you’re trying to learn how to work for yourself, I don’t think udemy does very well in that subject.

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The other sad part about udemy that I’ve noticed is again I mentioned the discounting beforehand I am an instructor I am an online teacher that’s one of the businesses I’m in about half of my income comes from teaching others how to be affiliate markers. I would never put my course on udemy and the problem is udemy has created a horrible platform for supporting creators and teachers like myself. Because first off you have no control over who buys your course or who what you can sell your course for. You don’t actually even get direct access to your students. If you want to talk to your students you need to message them through udemy. So udemy, in essence, is owning your student base and they determine what they sell your knowledge and your programs for. 

That’s not very friendly to teachers and for teachers and business subjects, I want to be able to speak to my students. I want to be you know learning how to make money online is a very serious and frustrating process and to be able to work closely with my students is very important so not having that control or access is a huge mark against udemy. I frankly don’t see why so many people use this company in the first place. 

My Final Opinion – Are Udemy Courses Worth of Learning

Leave a comment for me if you agree with me. Let me know if you’ve taken to udemy course let me know if you agree or you disagree in the comments below. Now all of these are my own opinions but I’d love to hear from other people who have taken courses from udemy. what your thoughts are in the comments agree with me or totally disagree with me and let me know why to talk to you soon.

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Raju Bhadra.