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How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020? 🔥3 Best Ways🔥

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How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020?

Welcome to my How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020 blog post. I’m going to show you how to make some money on Instagram in 2020. The 3 best ways. We’re going to show you how to pick your niche, how to get followers and how to get that money. And how they all work together to build you a business. It allows you to live free and work for yourself. Check this out, this is valuable especially if you’re looking to earn money easily!

Introducing Myself:

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER & ENTRE INSTITUTE because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.

If, You want to promote HIGH-TICKET program then SIGN UP here(It’s worldwide)

Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog: 

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question. Join My Facebook Page Here & Look My YouTube Channel Here.


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How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020? 🔥3 Best Ways🔥

How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020?
How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020?

First thing you got to know is you got to pick a niche, okay? The second thing is you’ve got to build a following. The third thing is you have to monetize that niche. But we’re going to start with… You know, always start with the money is where are we gonna make the money? Because you want to pick a niche where you can make money with. For our sake, you know, we’re going to focus on things that deal with products because we want to be… We want to sell these products, if you have affiliate marketing.

Choose Your Niche: 3 Level Deep

Let’s say your niche is Fitness, okay? Fitness is a great niche because there’s a lot of products that you can sell to people interested in fitness. There are supplements. People take a lot of workout supplements or vitamins and minerals. It cost $50. Also, you could sell high priced products. You could sell workout gyms and equipment through Amazon’s affiliate program and makeup to $5,000. And people pay all the time. So many people have home gyms. You can do all sorts of things within this niche. People buy a lot of products around fitness. 

Or you could sell people gym memberships and make a percentage commission for referring people to a particular gym membership affiliate program. There are lots of ways to monetize the fitness space. So, we know there are products, we know there are affiliate networks and programs we can join. I named a few such as Amazon.

Let’s go a level deeper though because this is too broad. And this won’t get you big. Now, going a level deeper, we’re going to say… Let’s do women’s, okay? Let’s say you’re a woman and you do women’s fitness. Focusing your posts on women’s fitness is going to make you more specific in your niche and it’s going to make your content more interesting. And it’s going to engage followers more. Because again, we’re looking to build passionate fans. And if you just focus on Fitness as an overall, it’s going to be too broad. Whereas women’s Fitness is going to speak more to a more specific audience.

Continue more – How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020

But women’s Fitness is still too broad. You know, it’s half of all Fitness people. So, we want to go a level deeper to really create that engaging content that’s going to attract followers. And the level deeper from this is let’s use the example “workout food”, okay? Now, focusing on women’s fitness workout food is actually a much more targeted niche. And you can build a big audience off of this because it’s targeted and it will speak very highly to people who are working out but looking for better recipes or food choice. This would be an example of three levels deep. Your niching down and down and down to get those people talk about on a subject that you hopefully can talk about.

Truck Your Follower:

So, in here, I’m going to show you on Instagram, let’s just look at you know, workout food, right? And what we want to do to attract followers… 

You know there’s a lot of posts on workout food. And what we might want to do is we want to repost valuable content that people engage a lot with and we want to use the correct tags. So for instance, if we’re going after workout food, we’re going to use tags like women’s fitness, #workoutfood and other hashtags related to that. And we can find those ideas of hashtags and the ideas of the content we can repost. 

You can use more hashtags like gym help fit tips, workout food, fitness beginner, fit diet, Eat to grow. So, these are all tags that we might want to use for ourselves. See workout food, eat to grow. So, those are good hashtags to help us start showing up in people’s Instagram feeds for the types of content we’re going after.

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Provide Content: 

 Now, the next thing we want to do is actually provide content that we’re gonna put out for the people who are looking for fitness stuff. So, in my case, the best thing is to repost content. Of course, you could create your own content but you probably don’t want to do that, right? That takes work and video editing and image editing and it’s annoying.

You can also grow your channel if you produce these sorts of videos and then people credit you with creating the video and you get followers there. So, this is kind of how it works to attract followers. You want put that viral content that people are going to share. And you want to use the tags that are going to make your content show up in the right spots.

Make Money On Instagram:

Clickbank is the largest affiliate network on the Internet. You can varieties of a product here. You can sign up here.

Create an account and go to the affiliate market place. To get your link, you’d go down to Health and Fitness right there.

The great thing about Clickbank is they have a lot of products that sell a lot of money. And they pay you up to 50% or… Sorry. Up to 90% commissions. But average commission, you’ll receive on a product is about 50%. Which is fair because the person who created the product gets 50% and the person who sells it gets 50%. Makes sense.

Another affiliate program you could join is Amazon. Now, if you go to and you scroll down to the very bottom, there’s a section that says make money with us, okay? So, see and then it says to make money with us at the bottom. And then you’ll want to say become an affiliate right there, okay? So, you want to click that link to become an affiliate marketer with Amazon. So, you can sell any product on their site and you make commissions.

But the difference is you won’t make a lot. As much commission, you’ll make about 5%. But again, that’s fair because Amazon is such a big brand name and people are so used to shopping on it. Most of the stuff people buy on Amazon, they’re going to buy anyways.

Promote Your Affiliate Offers:

Post a video and you get a hundred views of your video. What you want to do is you want to go on your video and you want a message everybody who viewed your video.

If you’re interested in learning more ways that you can lose weight, this is the program that’s changed many people’s lives. And I recommend.” Then you put your link right there. See? Boom! Boom! Okay?

So, we have it right there. And then you just post it. You sent a message. You put in your link. Now, boom! Okay? You got 100 people who viewed your video who are interested in the content. You message them and you gave them links to go a step further and learning about whatever they’re in… Whatever your channel is interested in. Which is either its fitness or workouts or workout food or weight loss or whatever that is. Now, you’ve got targeted people, your messaging those people and you’re putting your affiliate link in there so that you can make money if they buy. 

Continue more – How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020

Now, if we just say you know 100 was a conservative number. But we said 100 views of your video, okay? If you had 3,000 followers, okay? I’d say 3,000 followers is the point where you can start monetizing your audience seriously. Okay? And if you’re doing… If you’re posting daily and doing all the things, you should get up there fairly quickly within a few months. And then, you can start direct messaging people. Or you could do that beforehand. But let’s say, 3,000 followers, you get a hundred views of each video. 10% buy from your link. The commission you make, $33, okay?

So, that would be 10 buyers times 33 equals $330. So, that would be… That means you could make about $330 from a post if you’re doing to monetize your audience. Boom! That is $330. You just made from a single Instagram post. And these all these numbers are conservative. You can do… you can get better conversion rates. You can get more views for a video or you could even get more followers and you could make more money. But the point I’m trying to make is you need to follow the system and you need to be committed. You need to post. You need to have a niche that you focus around.

My No #1 Recommendation: 6-Figure Business Model ($10,000/month)

Continue more – How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020

The second step. Do you grow your followers, okay? You’re getting out there, you’re building followers every single day by posting and using tags and everything you can. You can also do follow-unfollow. There’s another other advanced method which you can use to grow your audience.

The third thing is you need to make money doing it. Otherwise, it’s not a worthwhile activity. But the most important overall understanding is that you need to stop using Instagram as a socialization tool and letting it suck your time away from quality time with the people around you in your area. And you need to take back control. And instead of having Instagram use you, you need to use Instagram and you can make money doing it.

Final Verdict: How To Make Money On Instagram In 2020

So I hope this blog post was helpful and kind of explaining How to Rank YouTube Videos 2020. I’m an internet marketer. I’ve been running an internet business since 2012. I’ve been making thousands of dollars. And I’ve worked in a number of different fields but place, where I’ve made most of my money, is affiliate marketing. If you do want to learn more about making money online and even starting an affiliate marketing-based business, which any products it doesn’t require any customer support or fulfillment or any of that jazz. Then check my No #1 Recommendation.

I will highly recommend you to Check Out my No #1 Recommendation. My no #1 recommendation to help you to generate a full time consistent predictable income online. You can do this even if you don’t have any experience and computer tech skills right this. I’m doing and I’m more than happy to share with you. I’m ever earning more than a thousand and eight hundred dollars in my first few days. This is incredible to feel free to check that out right now.


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“If you have any questions about this method then don’t hesitate to comment. Stay Tuned with My Blog and Visit MY FACEBOOK PAGE for Getting Various Latest Methods of Making Money Online”.

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