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How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free – Earn $500 Per Day!

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Welcome to my How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free blog Post. This method brings $500 per day for beginners. So, don’t be afraid if you a newbie.

So, on Pinterest, we’re seeing… This is a site where it’s it’s kind of like a picture blog. Like you put up… You share bunches of pictures of like home. Usually, people share like home-improvement stuff or infographics. See, you share pretty pictures. And that’s what it is. And women love it. It’s like 90% of women. Now, a few things you got to understand what we’re not talking about is we are not talking about e-commerce. Okay? I’m not going to be talking about that in this. We’re not going to be talking about dropshipping or consulting. Or starting an SMM, a social media ad agency. None of this stuff. Because all of that stuff requires you to do work or fulfillment. You know, have a support phone number or taking returns. Have an address. Have a business license. There’s a lot of stuff you can by all means.

Use this method that I’m about to show you to promote your business using those methods. But we’re going to start easy. And it’s called affiliate marketing. as always, if you’ve been doing affiliate marketing, just say, “YES” in the comments below. I want to know if all y’all are doing it. That’s all we talk about in this blog post is how to make money with affiliate marketing.

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Introducing Myself:

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.

Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog – How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question.

Affiliate Networks – How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

Now, to get started with affiliate marketing, you have to join some affiliate networks. I’m not gonna go too deep into it. The links are in the post, okay? We need to get links. Products to promote so we can earn a commission on. And the links are in the blog post. You can join a couple of different affiliate networks.

Maxweb It’s a really good affiliate network. You can see that right here.

How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

Super Affiliate Network We have the super affiliate network. So, this is one of the highest paying ones. This is one of my highest recommended networks to join right now. Lots of successful students you’re seeing all these people. Average people having huge amounts of success here. So, I won’t go too deep in that.

How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

Click Funnel – There are click funnels. Click funnels benefit. It’ll get you a dream car. So, if you… Let us buy you a dream car. If you get a hundred sales. With click funnels, you get a car. You get $1,000 a month towards your lease.

How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

Clickbank Clickbank is the world’s biggest affiliate network for every kind of niche. It is the highest paying network for affiliate marketing.

How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

All these networks every country in the entire world. North Korea is covered. You could sell products from and you can do this at any age. So I don’t think any of these networks actually check what age you are. So, you can do this wherever in the world, whatever age you are. It’s easy. And you can do this on mobile devices too.

How to Get Affiliate Link? How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

Once you’ve signed up for Clickbank and you’ve created an account, you’ll want to go to the affiliate marketplace right there. And we’re going to go get our link. When you’re in Clickbank, you’ll want to scroll down and you’ll want to go to the e-business and e-marketing section and find a product.

Now, the next step is we go over to bitly dot com. And we’re going to shorten our link.

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Details About This $500 Per Day Without Investment Method:

Now, the next step is we’re going to go to Pinterest. And here we find all of the boards that people are engaging with. You see people you know, people like these boards or people make comments on some boards. Or all sorts of stuff. Okay? So, some of them have comments on them. Some of them are ads. So, see here’s an ad for Fiverr. Here’s an ad for something else. But we’re not going to be doing any ads. In fact, this method to make up to $500 per day requires no ads. It requires no software. It requires no expenditure of money or even placing your credit card for some free trial of anything. All it requires you to do is follow along with the steps I’m going to show you right here.

Now, the first thing to understand about marketing is you have to target people, okay? So, you have to target people. There’s a lot of people. This is 250 million people on Pinterest. And not everybody is interested in your offers.

For any product you’re going to promote, you can sell weight-loss products, skincare products, survival products. You know, software products. You can sell a lot of different items on the internet. But you have to think about what is the interest in.

The topics or what sort of boards are they interested in there are a couple of different topics, There’s motivation. There’s entrepreneurship. There’s marketing. That kind of gives you a general overview. These are kind of big topics. And maybe a luxury, okay? Luxury items. But I’m going to kind of focus on these topics because they’re sort of business and entrepreneurship related. So, motivation entrepreneurship and marketing.

Method 1 – How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

So, what I just typed here in Pinterest is motivation. And I’m looking for different bloggers around motivation. Now, I already found some so I’m not going to go too long to do the work. But you see here’s one right here. Be stronger than your excuse, right? Like you know these motivational quotes. This is great. I get it you’re looking for other people to pave the path before you because you’re scared. And you don’t want to make a mistake. Don’t let excuses get in the way. Just go and do it. follow me A to Z.

Now, what we see is we get some people that are following this person. Following, tone it up or whatever it is. And we have commenters that are interested in motivation. They’re interested in income opportunities. So, we’re going to open up new tabs of all these people.

How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

we’re going to message these people our affiliate links. Now, this has 2 side effects. One is the person will get a message on Pinterest. And they’ll see it next time they use Pinterest. 2, is they will get… They will see… Get an email from Pinterest saying they have a message. And it will give them your message with your affiliate link in it. Now, the message we are going to send them is simply because I already have it written up.

Some Pinterest profiles don’t have message icons. That’s fine. If you have other questions, try to figure them out on your own. We’ll see this one doesn’t either but this one does.

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Method 2 – How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

Another faster way you can use to find people that are on Pinterest. You can go to a page and you can look who’s following them. Now, to find who’s following a certain page… This is website builders, marketing, affiliate marketing, home business, etc. So, I’m assuming they’re anybody following them as interested in marketing. because the more people I start sending messages to, the more money I make. So, I’m going to hit these people up. I’m going to find it… Now start messaging them as like as before. It’s so simple just copy the message template and paste it.

How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

Message template:

hey, I saw you were interested in [INTEREST} and was wondering if you’ve had any success working online yet? I’ve been following this guys system ([LINK]) and it seems to work pretty well, he has a free training he reveals some pretty interesting things about 45min…

In your case, you can modify it depending on what product you’re promoting. It may be different.

Conclusion – How to Make Money with Pinterest for Free

How freaking easy is that, okay? How ridiculously simple. So, it’s so easy. And once you build up a flow, you can just send links out there so fast. You getting in front of people. You having them get messages. They’re probably getting an app notification on their phone if they have Pinterest on their phone. They’re getting an email. And when they log an interest, they’re getting a message from you that’s showing up. So, all of these ways you are reaching out to people. People are going to click on your links. And hopefully, people are going to buy it. Thanks for reading this blog post. Take action soon. Best of luck.

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Facebook Profile: Raju Bhadra

If You have question then you can contact with Email or Comment this post. I am always ready to help you!

Have a Great Rest of Your Day!


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