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Best 13 Free Traffic Sources for Affiliate Marketing – Proven to Work

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Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

Welcome to my Best 13 Free Traffic Sources Blog Post. Are you trying to build more awareness for your business or your affiliate links or whatever it is that you want people to hear about but you have zero budget to deal with? And you need free places to get your links out. Well, you’re in luck because I’m going to be going over into this post 13 free and totally easy places of traffic. You can put your links for your business or your eCommerce store, your affiliate marketing efforts, whatever it is you’re doing. 

And I’m going to show you a multitude of different ways where you can put them on websites, on social media, and via personal messages. And these are all effective ways that you can effectively whether you’re doing affiliate marketing you’re looking to earn commissions or whether, you’re to bring you to know, more leads or sales into your online business. or local business. 

This is a great way to get started. So let’s get into things, I’ll be showing you examples on my blog post. Let’s check it out.

Introducing Myself :

I am Raju Bhadra working with online marketing since 2012. At the very beginning, I worked cash my link CPA company by promoting watching movies. Then in 2014, I worked with Clicksure and Clickbetter. I promote their products by reviewing. After that, I was outside a few months for my LLB and LLM graduation. Then After 2016, I started to promote WarriorPlus and ClickBank Product and The Four Percent Group. After 2017 I started to release products in WarriorPlus. I released over 50+ quality products in WarriorPlus. Now at present, I am promoting various JVZoo products and My main focus on LEGENDARY MARKETER & ENTRE INSTITUTE because I LOVE High Ticket Program and everyone should join a High Ticket Program.

Purpose of This Answer-Today Blog :

I am honestly saying my one and only purpose is to help people who want to make money online. When I was a green newbie I had searched for everything here and there and most of the time I don’t get the exact answer to my questions. So, I decided if I can then I will make such type of blog from where people can easily get their basic questions to answer. I will try my best to provide the best answers to your question.


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Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

Best 13 Free Traffic Sources
Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

We’re going to be starting out. I’m going to be going over where you can put your links on your websites.

1- Website

First off, I’m going to start with websites. There are 3 places where you can post your website links. And again, it doesn’t matter whether you run an e-commerce store. Whether you do affiliate marketing. Whether you have a local business or just whatever. These are great places for anybody.

2- Quora:

Quora is a question and answer site right here. Similar to Yahoo Answers but you can place your links there for free. Now, the example I’m going to be using is a Clickbank product. Now, for this example, I’m going to be advertising a product on an affiliate Network I’m a part of –on Clickbank, called flat belly fix. Which is a weight loss product! So, I’m going to be focusing on that niche right now.

Let’s say I was advertising this weight loss product on Quora. What I would do is I would search the term weight loss. And you want to find questions related to weight loss. So, you can see there’s a ton right here. What is the most effective weight-loss method or program? And if you’re working for a weight loss company or if you’re supposed to you know be creating sales for that company or doing marketing for them, it’s really easy you go in and you help answer questions. You add value to. Don’t just put your affiliate link there. Answer the question in a good way and then you can put your affiliate link in there.

If you were marketing a program is you do a nice answer like that then you’d put your affiliate link at the end and say, “This is you know, company or product that I recommend.” There are many question-and-answer sites that you can use around the internet as well like Yahoo.

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3- Forums:

Another great place to put your affiliate links is weight or is forums. And in particular, I found this weight loss forum which is an online community. You can go in here and for free, you can post about different information related to weight loss. And the really the tactic here to work with forums is you want to add value. Just like question-and-answer sites. Add value in your post first before promoting your product and people will be a lot more likely to give you business or give you… You know, go to the business that you are recommending. 

Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

You know, the more of an expert you sound like on whatever forum it is, you know, for instance you know this person gave a simple weight loss guide, the more of an expert you come across as the more your ability to get people to actually want to buy whatever program it is that you are promoting. It is your own store or online store. Whether it is somebody else’s online store. Whether it is an affiliate link you’re using.

4- Blog:

You can create your own blog. You can create your own website and blog about something. And this is… This is a blog called a black girl’s guide to weight loss. It says, One Woman’s Quest for Health, Happiness, and Healing”. And as you can see, she has a lot of you know just, weight loss transformation stories above you know, on the top of her page. And Oliver blogging is about you know, kind of losing weight and living healthily. 

Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

So now, what we’re on here is a blog post. And once again, you can write a good blog post. Inform people of something you know, motivate people.

Now, if one message is coming across here already, it adds value. No matter what you’re doing in life, if you want to become financially successful, if you want people to you know to go to your business, you’ve got to add value to the world first whether that’s through information or motivation or a good answer or good you know, forum, post or a blog post. You must add value to the world. And the world will give value back to you. 

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5- Social Media

Now, I’m going to go over 5 different ways that you can put your links on social media.

7- Instagram:

I’m going to go over is Instagram. Instagram is completely free and you can get your links out there. And here you’ll notice I’m on a fitness-related channel. It says ‘HannahMurphyFitness’. Again, this is completely free. Some of it takes time and you have to build followers. But it’s a great place to post links. And many Instagrammers have created subscriber ships of millions of people without any promotion whatsoever.

So, this person has 1,277 followers and you see she posts about you know before and after photos, weight loss transformations. What she’s doing to stay healthy some of her life, how she’s eating healthy. And you can see what you can do as an Instagrammer is you can post your link right here in the profile.

8- Twitter:

Next place where you can post your link for free and get people to go to your business is on twitter. You know, very straightforward. You can you know DM me for collaboration and you know, questions… And you see you can put a link in your Twitter profile, right there. 

Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

She says, “Bitly four-week diet”. We’ll see it goes to a product that she is an affiliate for. So, it has a sales presentation. And she earns commission’s every time somebody purchases this product that she recommends from her link. And as you can see right here, we see right here she has 56,000 people that are following her. Okay? 

Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

That’s a lot of people. If you are… I mean, 56,000 people just to help you imagine that that is a… That’s a football stadium full of people. So, the impact that you can make on social media with just a small following. 56,000 is you know, it’s not big, it’s not small. That’s a football stadium worth of people that you can speak to every single day. And the chances of getting sales from that are just amazing.

9- YouTube

YouTube is a fantastic place to source your links. I’m posting on YouTube. It’s a great free place. You can make a lot of money doing it. And here’s an example of a YouTuber Alicia Marie she has 8.1 million subscribers. That’s crazy. That’s pretty big. 8.1 million subscribers. 

Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

And you see this video has 1.4 million views. Now, that is just to give you perspective, that is the entire state of Utah. That’s everyone in a… You know, a state in the United States has watched this video. So, you can reach a lot of people through YouTube and you can put your links. 

Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

And as you see, she has her links for different companies, she’s you know, either working with her own, I don’t know. But I bet you she gets a lot of people buying from her nutrition company right here or from whatever G plans are right there. I’m not gonna visit the links. But you get the idea. 1.4 million people visiting this, you get you’re going to get a lot of web traffic and a lot of customers.

Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

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10- Facebook

The next place where you can post your links for free is Facebook. Now, I love Facebook. Facebook, I mean there are 2 billion people on Facebook. So, it’s just a monster platform. A lot of traffic. And I just search for weight loss diet and tips here. So, you see that I just checked out this group. And there’s a lot of weight loss groups.

But I just chose this one. And you see you can all sorts of links here. So look at this, home remedies and weight loss. And you just post your link in this group. This group has… Oh, my gosh. Look at this. Look at this. 869,000 members. That is a lot of money, okay? That is a lot of money. And that means a lot of people are visiting these links. I mean look at this transformation. She went from this to this. Bomb place to get traffic to your business. 

Again, to start a group, to get it growing like that to encourage that community, you have to be a community leader and you have to really give value. Every one of these methods, there is no get-rich-quick without adding value.

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11- Blog Post Comment:

The next method is, you could post comments on other people’s blogs. So, let’s check out this article right here. And if we scroll down to the bottom, you can see you can post comments on the article itself. They will show up for everybody. And you can get people going to your links.

So, you can basically engage in the conversation within somebody else’s blog they set up. You can get people going to your links. Pretty neat.

12- Personal Messages

the last 5 methods are all that I call personal communication or personal messages of how you can spread your link on. They’re not… You don’t have as much leverage as you do when you’re posting on social media where you can reach thousands of people. But personal messages are a good way if you were on a budget. And if you want to make sure your link it’s out there to start getting people to your business. Now, many marketers still use this and it’s a very effective way of bringing people to your business. Let me go over the 5 ways.

So, the 5 ways to send messages to people email. You can put your links in a text message. Then put your links in an Instagram DM(direct message). You can also put your links in a Twitter DM(direct message). And last but not least, you can put your links in a Facebook message. So, those are the 5 tactics are Simple.

Final Opinion: Best 13 Free Traffic Sources

So I hope this blog post was helpful and kind of explaining about Best 13 Free Traffic Sources. I’m an internet marketer. I’ve been running an internet business since 2012. I’ve been making thousands of dollars. And I’ve worked in a number of different fields but place, where I’ve made most of my money, is affiliate marketing. If you do want to learn more about making money online and even starting an affiliate marketing-based business, which any products it doesn’t require any customer support or fulfillment or any of that jazz. Then check my No #1 Recommendation.

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